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Danijela Pešut

soul-made ceramics


Umjetnička vizija, kvalitetna tehnika i precizna izvedba susreću se ovdje - u prostoru bezvremene, dušom rađene kamenine.

Keramičarka Danijela Pešut ima preko 20 godina iskustva u svojem zanatu kojega i dalje izučava i donosi nova rješenja kroz glinu.
Glina je pramaterijal koji i u modernom vremenu pronalazi svoje mjesto, pogotovo u kontekstu traženja održivosti i ekološki osviještenih opcija u svakodnevnom životu koje nam ipak daju dar ljepote i luksuza.


Ovdje pronađite najnovije dizajne i pregledajte portfolio radova.

Svi komadi su ručno izrađena visokokvalitetna kamenina koja je sigurna za konzumaciju hrane te korištenje u perilici posuđa i pećnici.

Moguće je naručiti izradu keramike za vaš individualni projekt s dizajnom po želji,

bilo da se radi o dekoraciji i korisnim predmetima za vaš apartman, luksuznom posuđu za vaš dom ili ugostiteljski objekt, ili personaliziranom poklonu za kolege, poslovne partnere i prijatelje.

Zemljina kora

Serija keramičkih zdjela inspiriranih teksturom zemljine kore s glaziranom unutrašnjosti koja podsjeća na odlomljenu geodu koja otkriva skrivenu ljepotu.

Svaka zdjela je unikatni ručni rad - fotografije služe kao primjer

Crust bowls

Crust bowls

Unique handmade ceramic designer bowls with rough outside texture and glazed shiny interior

Crust bowl (brown)

Crust bowl (brown)

Unique handmade ceramic stoneware bowl with rough textured exterior and smooth glazed interior. Color - brown Size - small

Crust bowl (cream)

Crust bowl (cream)

Unique handmade ceramic stoneware bowl with rough textured exterior and smooth glazed interior. Color - outside: brown/ inside: cream Size - small



Unique handmade ceramic stoneware bowls with rough textured exterior and smooth glazed interior.

Crust bowl (blue)

Crust bowl (blue)

Unique handmade ceramic stoneware bowl with rough textured exterior and smooth glazed interior. Color - outside: dark brown/ inside: deep blue Size: medium

Crust bowl (turqoise)

Crust bowl (turqoise)

Unique handmade ceramic stoneware bowl with rough textured exterior and smooth glazed interior. Color: outside: beige/brown/ inside: turqoise Size: medium

Crust bowls

Crust bowls

Unique handmade ceramic stoneware bowls with rough textured exterior and smooth glazed interior.

Ceramic Cup Detail

Ceramic Cup Detail

Customize your cup to fit your exact needs, or to show someone close to you how much you care about them with customizable decorations, colors and lettering.

Ceramic Cups Flower Design

Ceramic Cups Flower Design

Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cups Triskellion

Ceramic Cups Triskellion

Danijela works closely with ancient symbology and studies their imprints, which she transfers to the surfaces of her works to make them even more magical. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cup Detail

Ceramic Cup Detail

High quality stoneware is sometimes stained with metal oxides fixed with transparent glazes. Pictured: Copper Oxide. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Cermic Cup Japodi

Cermic Cup Japodi

A big portion of Danijela's research work involves the ancient Illyrian tribe of Japodi (read: Yapodee). Incorporating their motives and symbols into her work, she revives their influence and honors our ancestors. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cups Japodi

Ceramic Cups Japodi

A big portion of Danijela's research work involves the ancient Illyrian tribe of Japodi (read: Yapodee). Incorporating their motives and symbols into her work, she revives their influence and honors our ancestors. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cup Japod

Ceramic Cup Japod

A big portion of Danijela's research work involves the ancient Illyrian tribe of Japodi (read: Yapodee). Incorporating their motives and symbols into her work, she revives their influence and honors our ancestors. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cup Gold

Ceramic Cup Gold

One of Danijela's unique designs and techniques is imprinting crocheted pieces onto clay which gives it this intricate and elegant pattern. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cups Grey

Ceramic Cups Grey

Sometimes simplicity is the best approach - showing the beauty of the material and emphasizing the clay itself with a transparent smooth interior. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cups Green/White

Ceramic Cups Green/White

Playing with texture is one of the beauties of clay as a material, which gives opportunity for the glazes to melt in different ways. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cups

Ceramic Cups

Each of us has a particular morning routine that sets us up for the day - enhance it with a beautiful cup of your choice, your vibe, your color. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cups Blue

Ceramic Cups Blue

Each of us has a particular morning routine that sets us up for the day - enhance it with a beautiful cup of your choice, your vibe, your color. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cup Blue

Ceramic Cup Blue

High quality stoneware is sometimes stained with metal oxides fixed with transparent glazes. Pictured: Cobalt oxide. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Ceramic Cups Blue/Grey

Ceramic Cups Blue/Grey

Each of us has a particular morning routine that sets us up for the day - enhance it with a beautiful cup of your choice, your vibe, your color. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.


Ritual uživanja u omiljenom piću postaje još posebniji trenutak za sebe uz šalicu koja odgovara vašem ukusu.

Svaka šalica je unikatni ručni rad - fotografije služe kao primjer

Dekoracija doma

Luksuzno posuđe, kuhinjski pribor, vaze, dekoracije ili osvjetljenje - keramika je uvijek pametno rješenje u mogućnosti da zadovolji vaše jedinstvene potrebe.

Osim elegantnog izgleda, glina je iznimno izdržljiva i održiva - savršen završni dodir vašem domu i inovativan, a drevan način da očuvamo planet.


Svaki komad je unikatni ručni rad - fotografije služe kao primjer

Round ceramic vase

Round ceramic vase

Decorate your space with a handmade stoneware vase that will fit well on any coffee table, centerpiece shelf or dining table. Customizable.

White flowers

White flowers

Ceramic flowers to decorate your home, yard, or business space. Made from durable stoneware. Possible to stand them on wire, wood, etc. (multiple colors) Customizable design.

Gold strip ceramic vase

Gold strip ceramic vase

Decorate your space with a handmade stoneware vase that will fit well on any coffee table, centerpiece shelf or dining table. Customizable.

Ceramic Spoon Rest

Ceramic Spoon Rest

Enhance your cooking experience with these elegant stoneware spoon rests. Customizable design.

Ceramic Serving Bowls

Ceramic Serving Bowls

Soup, smoothie-bowls, yogurt or fruit - everything tastes better from natural materials diligently shaped by an artists hand. Customizable.

Ceramic Baking Dish

Ceramic Baking Dish

These oven-safe baking dishes double as a serving dish that will not only look amazing but will hold the temperature of your baked goodies for much longer than metal. Customizable.

Ceramic Plate

Ceramic Plate

Elevate your dining experience and delight your guests with unique plates made by hand and decorated by the finest glazes. Food and dishwasher safe. Customizable.

Gold Ceramic Lamp

Gold Ceramic Lamp

Light fixtures can make or break a beautiful interior design. Give your space deep character with a beautiful stoneware option like this. Customizable.

Gold Ceramic Lamp

Gold Ceramic Lamp

Light fixtures can make or break a beautiful interior design. Give your space deep character with a beautiful stoneware option like this. Customizable.

Blue Ceramic Lamp

Blue Ceramic Lamp

Light fixtures can make or break a beautiful interior design. Give your space deep character with a beautiful stoneware option like this. Customizable.

Blue Ceramic Lamp

Blue Ceramic Lamp

Light fixtures can make or break a beautiful interior design. Give your space deep character with a beautiful stoneware option like this. Customizable.


Pošaljite nam poruku kako biste naručili svoj unikatan umjetnički rad ili postavili pitanje o uslugama i mogućnostima za vaše poslovanje i dom.

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+385 95 911 86 27

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